Anicom's Sustainability

Recent years have seen a dramatic change in the environment surrounding society, such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters that are growing in intensity due to climate change, and outbreaks of wars and conflicts caused by the destabilization of international affairs.
In these difficult times, Anicom recognizes that our raison d’êtrere is to resolve social challenges by striving to alleviate the loneliness and anxiety that is spreading throughout the world as a group involved in the pet industry. Therefore, we have established Group Philosophy Framework and position it as the highest-order concept of our management. This would be done by elevating pets’ capacity to be “power plants of the heart” through unconditional love. We will at the same time maintain a rich global environment and amplify the happiness of all forms of life.
Anicom Group Philosophy Framework
Based on the framework, we will strive toward the mid- to long-term enhancement of corporate value, contribute to the resolution of social challenges, and seek to create economic and social value. In doing so, we will work to respond to the expectations of our stakeholders and society.
Anicom Group’s contribution to people.
Anicom Group’s contribution to animals.
Contribution to the Environment
Anicom Group’s contribution to the environment.
Anicom Group’s corporate governance system.