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Aiming for the happiness of all animals and people, we will create a new form of insurance by promoting prevention to extend healthy life expectancy. Nobuaki Komori, President and CEO

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our policy holders, shareholders, and business partners for their continued support.

I would like to explain the outline of our newly formulated "Mid-term Management Plan".

In response to the drastically changed global situation and the changes in the Japanese pet industry caused by the revised Act on Welfare and Management of Animals, the Anicom Group has decided to pursue the following three missions.

(1) Contribute to the elimination of war and the development of peace through the power of unconditional love.
(2) Transform the pet industry itself into an industry that benefits society as a whole.
(3) Support the socially vulnerable, such as the elderly, the disabled, and children, with the power of Mother Nature.
*For details, please refer to the "Mid-term Management Plan FY2022-FY2024.

In addition, in order to fulfill these missions with the united efforts of all employees, we have decided to exercise the "Strategy of one patent per employee" and we will disclose the footsteps of our efforts on our website and other media as needed.

By having everyone view our journey and give us a wide range of opinions, we will be able to determine the direction in which the organization should move forward, and this will also lead to the establishment of governance as a new social organization.

Thank you for your continuous support.

June 2022

Komori Nobuaki